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Spatial computing opportunities for developers & designers

In today's edition, we take a look at the opportunities offered by spatial computing for developers and designers.

What’s up 👋
It’s Jack

Welcome to this new edition.
Here we discuss the latest news & opportunities in spatial computing.

This week's topics:

  • 📡 News in figures (adoption & market)

  • 📍 Spatial projects (tools & resources)

  • 📚 Spatial computing opportunities for developers & designers

In this edition, we're going to talk about the spatial computing opportunities for developers & designers: Freelance, Influence & Entrepreneurship. Let’s go 👇

📡 News in figures


That's the number of employees at Siemens, a German multinational active in the manufacturing industry who have decided to use Apple Vision Pro to train their teams.

As the need for skilled electricians increases, Siemens will use BILT spatial app to train the new workforce while improving the skills of the existing workforce. BILT offers a highly immersive visual training experience that helps users learn not only more quickly, but also more safely.

📍 Spatial projects

The resource of the week is related to today's topic: The spatial freelancers

I wanted to share with you this platform that showcases the best freelancers in spatial computing (the best spatial developers & designers for now).

I personally created this platform a few days ago.

The funny story is that I made a Reddit post about spatial app that went viral:
”Tell me the app you want & I will build it”

Since then, I've been receiving messages every 1-2 days from people and companies wanting to build spatial projects and requesting my freelance services. Having run out of bandwidth, I decided to create a list of freelance developers and designers that I recommend every time.

Here are the 3 first freelancers listed on the platform:


📚 Spatial computing opportunities for developers & designers.

This week's main topic concerns the spatial computing opportunities for developers and designers. It's divided into three main categories: Freelancing, Influence and Entrepreneurship. Let's get straight to the point 👇


Apple made spatial computing popular with the launch of the Vision Pro and gave a big boost to the AR & VR industry. More and more individuals and companies are now looking to create spatial projects.

The demand is quite high, as you can see on Reddit. Personally, I receive 1 request every 2 days. The requests mainly come from companies who want to create internal sptials apps (especially on the Apple Vision Pro).

So there's a lot of demand - but not enough offers. In fact, there are very few independent spatial developers & designers. Just look at the jobs marketplace apps. Independent spatial developers & designers are very rare.

So now's the perfect time to get trained and start offering your services. It's the perfect time to develop your expertise before anyone else, to build up your portfolio...

Next steps to become spatial freelance:

  • Become Spatial Developer of Designer

  • List your profile on popular talent marketplace like Upwork, Fiverr

  • Give you reviews (using other fake accounts)

  • Get listed on the top & start getting mission & making money

    You can also get listed on SpatialFreelance (and get missions quickly)


Spatial computing is just beginning to be democratized. There's plenty of scope for content creation on the subject of spatial computing. Whether it's educational short videos, blog articles or long videos.

For all content creators, timing is everything. Whether it's minecraft influencers, e-game influencers, tech reviewers... The most popular creators are often the earliest.

Next steps to become spatial influenceur:

  • Choose the format you like (video, micro video, articles, text)

  • Choose the socials you want to focus (youtube, tiktok, medium, x…)

  • Set your type of post (tutorials, build in public, reviews…)

  • Set your routine (And be resilient!)


Spatial computing is going to need its entrepreneurs. From the creation of Spatial apps, to the creation of agencies around spatial computing. Spatial entrepreneurs will also create tools around the spatial economy.

It's the perfect time to start iterating & developing associated solutions.

Next steps to become spatial entrepreneur:

I hope you liked this edition!
If you want daily tips on spatial computing, let’s chat on Twitter🤝